Shasta Trailer Renovation

We have little history on the trailer. We bought it some 15 years ago and don't remember anything about who we got it from. We live in Klamath Falls, Oregon and purchased it here for $500. We fell in love with the wood interior. It's a 15' 1955 Shasta. We used it for a few years until it fell apart enough we were scared to take it very far. It was then parked inside with the thought of restoring it someday.

Well this year, 2009, we decided to take the plunge and do a full restoration/renovation. We expect this to be an adventure as we've never done such before.

The pages below describe our progress, as we progressed, and the problems we ran into.

July 2009 August 2009 September 2009
Sept/Oct 2010 June/July 2011 August 2011
Fall 2011 July 2012 August 2012
September 2012 October 2012 November 2012
First Tow Fini! Changes/Repairs I
Dinette Window

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