Bicycle Touring Trip Reports

For years we tried to get out on a bicycle tour each summer. We'd travel for up to a month or so although this varied. Our tours are self supported camping trips. We did many trips prior to 1994 but I haven't, and probably won't, write them up as web pages.
We've not done well getting out for some years. We're doing more travel with our renovated vintage travel trailer. This, and having the dogs, leads to more hiking than biking. (Or it could be we're getting older.)
I have taken several short local tours since 2000 but haven't written them up. These local tours typically follow some variation of the Southern Cascades Tour below. Not bad for "local" touring. I do hope to get out more often, but these will likely be short tours.
Below are some of our more epic tours. I hope you find these of interest.
Spokane to Toledo A 1994 tour from Spokane, Washington to
Toledo, Ohio.
New Zealand and Australia A three month adventure in New
Zealand, Tasmania and Victoria taken in 1997.
Central Idaho Two weeks touring in central Idaho along the
Salmon, Bitteroot and Lochsa Rivers in 1997.
British Columbia "Hot Springs" Tour A three week tour just
west of Banft, summer of 1998.
Southern Cascades Tour A week tour in Sourthern Oregon,
July 1999.
Oregon Coast Loop Tour Nine day tour in Oregon. Corvallis,
Newport, Reedsport, Eugene, Corvallis. August 1999.
San Juan Mountains Millenium Tour A three week tour through
the San Juan Mountains of Colorado, north of Durango. June/July 2000.