Sassy - Water Heater
In 2021 while camping at the Yaak River in Montana we notice a tiny leak in the front drivers side of Sassy. Thought at first it was coming from air conditioner condensation dripping off the roof. Finally tracked it down to the water heater. It was isolated and depressurized, using the winterizing valves, which stopping the leak. Pretty definitive that it's from the water heater.
When we returned to Prescott Valley I pulled the water heater while Sassy was in for repairs. Found the fittings to hook up the water heater while on the bench and found that, yep, there was a tiny pin hole leak in the tank.
Went back and forth for awhile deciding whether to replace the tank, or replace the whole water heater. This was during the Pandemic and ordering anything was not easy. Finally found and ordered a replacement tank.
Installing the new tank was involved, but not difficult. Tested it on the bench and it worked fine. Reinstalled in Sassy and it's worked well since.
I'd include some pictures of the process but only have reference pictures for the wiring. Very useful while reassembling the unit, but not much to show the overall process.