Ziggy - TV Cabinet Mods

The main reason to modify the TV cabinet was to incorporate a SiriusXM "head" into the stereo system.

The original stereo/TV system seemed a little strange when finally disected. A CD/DVD player feeds directly into the TV. The headphone jack from the TV is wired to a small amplifier. It appears that only one channel of the headphone jack feeds both, right and left, channels of the amplifier??? The 110v TV is plugged into a standard 110v socket when hooked up to shore power, or plugged into a small inverter placed there specifically for the TV. An antenna box feeds signals to the TV from either cable or the roof over-the-air antenna.

To add SiriusXM to the mix it needs to feed into the amplifier, there's no AUX on the TV, and besides, you don't want to turn the TV on just to listen to SiriusXM or to a CD. To fix this I added a four channel RCA switch. Then SiriusXM feeds one channel, the CD/DVD player feeds another, and the TV headphone jack a third. The fourth is not used. The CD/DVD video link still goes to the TV. If the switch feeds the amplifier directly it all works, but there is no volume control outside the small knob of the amp. A volume control, likely just a potentiometer, was added between the RCA switch and the amp. The volume knob was mounted under the cabinet for ease of adjustment. The rest of the wiring was left as original. TV from 110v plug or the small inverter, and the original relay turning the whole cabinet on or off were kept. USB changing plugs were added which are fed off the 12v going to the antenna box which turns out to be not switched with the rest of the cabinet. This is good for USB charging as it's always on.

The inards of the cabinet are shown below. A cigarette plug can be seen mounted behind the wall hiding much of the wiring. This is the easy way to connect the SiriusXM "head" as the vehicle mounting kit comes with this power connection.

The picture at the top of this page shows the final result. The USB charging plugs are towards the top. The SiriusXM mounts on top of the RCA switch box. The LevelPro can be seen on the wall behind Sirius. It is not hard wired but can be fed via USB. Finally, the volume control is mounted under the cabinet.

A bit of work to understand the original setup and then make the mods. The result works well. The SiriusXM was successfully integrated, and the TV doesn't have to be on to listen to a CD or play SiriusXM tunes. A success all around.